Thursday, September 16, 2010

[raining] MEN tonight! and Falling In Love... updates

The whole town is wrapped up in MEN! Who are playing tonight in the SF MOMA atrium, preceeded by a Ridykulous screening at 7PM. It's going to be fun, so be there!

The last MEN show I was at, Greg (R) and I (l) are holding the hands!

I also wanted to share with you today some teaser stills from mine and Greg's next Falling In Love... with Chris and Greg video. I was getting real excited about it as I edited today. It's yet another "Special," shot (mostly) on location during our fabulous three week vacation in France! It's working title: Oh La La! Paris Special.


Greg and I are also in the process of putting together a Season One Scrapbooklet with a Season One DVD accompaniment which will include everything we have shot to date. We've decided to symbolically clump all the work we've made thus far into one season, but if you know anything about the project you know it's not been one season but over two years in the making. It's our way of symbolically marking the end of one period in order to start anew and afresh in another. We also wanted to take some time out ("us" time--if you will) and assess the structure of our collaboration, it's a very healthy lesbionic decision on our part-we feel very proud and self-righteous about it, thank you. We're also working on writing a collaborative essay about the project and our collaboration--guaranteed to be a steamy tell-all! The DVD will include episodes 1, 2, and 3 (O Canada!, Road Trip! TV Special, and Food!) as well as A Special Election PSA, Hair Breakdown Special, and the yet to be fully edited Oh La La! Paris Special. See what I'm saying? We LOVE a SPECIAL!!!!

ALSO!! I want to tell you about a fundraiser for the SF camerawork catlog, but I'm just so spent from drafting this whole blog post that I'll give you Greg's words instead [as seen on today's Falling In Love.. Facebook status update]:"There is a kickstarter campaign tied to the Suggestions of a Life Being Lived exhibition at SF Camerawork that we are a part of. The goal is to raise enough money to make a catalog for the show. Curators Adrienne Skye Roberts and Danny Orendorff, along with gallery director Chuck Mobley, have done incredible work on this! Please take a moment to watch the spiel video. Note that you can donate as little as a dollar if that's all you can spare. Note too though that with a $25 donation you get a copy of the catalog when it's done!"

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