Wednesday, September 7, 2011

2011 UC Berkeley Art Practice Faculty Show

Turns out being a UC Berkeley lecturer has some pretty great perks. One of which is being included in the annual faculty show! Greg Youmans and I will be exhibiting Falling In Love... with Chris and Greg "Oh La La! Paris Special" on loop. Come see it on display among the work of my very talented mentors now colleagues. The opening is tonight, hope you can make!

 "Oh La La! Paris Special (10 min, 2010)
 2011 Art Practice Faculty Show
September 7-24
Reception Wednesday, September 7, 4-7 PM

Randy Hussong
John McNamara
Craig Nagasawa
Greg Niemeyer
aZin Seraj
Richard Shaw
Chris Vargas & Greg Youmans
Sanjay Vore
Anne Walsh & Chris Kubick
Wanxin Zhang

The Worth Ryder Gallery has served as a hub for students (graduate and undergraduate), faculty, artists and the Bay Area cultural community for over forty years. The gallery serves primarily as an exhibition platform for emerging contemporary artistic strategies and methodologies. 

Worth Ryder Art Gallery
116 Kroeber Hall
corner of College Ave and Bancroft Way
Gallery Hours: Tues-Sat 12-5 PM

Department of Art Practice


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