Wednesday, June 6, 2012

NYC: Criminal Queers @ New Museum & Sylvia Rivera Law Project

I'm in New York this week! Eric Stanley & I are here for two very exciting events. This first of which is tomorrow at the New Museum--in conjunction with "Carlos Motta: We Who Feel Differently" Thursday Night Programs! The event Love Revolution, Not State Collusion was conceived of by the brilliant Jeannine Tang & Reina Gosset, and will consist of a screening of our film Criminal Queers with a Q&A and discussion afterward. Then on Friday a community screening & discussion at Sylvia Rivera Law Project. We are so thrilled! Please find details below...


Thursday June 7, 2012, 7:30 pm
@ New Museum Theater
Venue has an elevator

Museum as Hub: Carlos Motta: We Who Feel Differently Thursday Night Programs Presents: "Jeannine Tang and Reina Gossett with Eric Stanley and Chris Vargas: Love Revolution, Not State Collusion"

As transgender issues, artists, and theory have received greater recognition in contemporary art discourses and institutions since the 2000s, activist Reina Gossett, art historian Jeannine Tang will discuss the role of art and artists in recent movement building, and how contemporary art figures in critical trans politics today. This will feature a screening of the film "Criminal Queers," followed by a conversation with filmmakers Eric A. Stanley and Chris Vargas.

"Criminal Queers" visualizes a radical trans/queer struggle against the prison industrial complex and toward a world without walls. Remembering that prison breaks are both a theoretical and material practice of freedom, this film imagines what spaces might be opened up if crowbars, wigs, and metal files become tools for transformation. By expropriating the "prison break" genre the question of form and content collapse into a rhythm of affective histories as images of possibility materializes even after possibility itself is foreclosed. Follow Yoshi, Joy, Susan and Lucy as they fiercely read everything from the Human Rights Campaign and hate crimes legislation to the non-profitization of social movements. Criminal Queers grows our collective liberation by working to abolish the multiple ways our hearts, genders, and desires are confined.

This event is supported by the New Museum, Sylvia Rivera Law Project, and the Astraea Lesbian Foundation for Justice. 

New Museum Facebook Event


Then on Friday, almost the same drill but this time at the Sylvia Rivera Law Project...

Friday June 8th at 7 PM
147 West 24th Street, 5th Floor
Free, All Are Welcome. Building has an elevator.

On Friday evening come join filmmakers Eric A Stanley & Chris Vargas for a screening of the film CRIMINAL QUEERS. We'll be discussing the role of art and artists in movement building, and how art helps shape trans politics today. The screening will be followed by a conversation with filmmakers Eric A. Stanley and Chris Vargas.

Supported by Sylvia Rivera Law Project, the Astraea Lesbian Foundation for Justice & Queers for Economic Justice

contact Reina Gossett for more details:

SRLP Facebook Event 

Also at the New Museum (again), Gran Fury's neon number
2 Legit 2 Quit

Eric dresses for the occasion

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